The Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT)

In support of the Presidential Memorandum entitled Hiring Freeze, the Department of State has canceled the administration of the February FSOT, suspended testing for Foreign Service Specialist candidates, and suspended testing of Consular Fellows Program candidates while hiring requirements are reassessed.

Future offerings of the FSOT as well as future offerings of Specialist and Consular Fellows testing will be posted on Pearson VUE’s website at Further information on the FSOT, Specialists’ tests, the Consular Fellows Program Test, and on Foreign Service careers, can be found at

The Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT)

The Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) is an important part of the FSO selection process, covering the job knowledge, English expression and situational judgement necessary to work as a Foreign Service Officer. The FSOT also includes an essay. View complete information on the FSOT and the selection process.

Please note: New candidates must create a web account before they can submit an application.


FSOT At-Home Online Proctored Testing (OnVUE)

  • Visit the FSOT Online Proctoring page and review information on exam policies and procedures, system requirements, and the System Test.
  • It is very important to complete the required System Test on the same computer, in the same location, and at the same time as your exam appointment so the System Test can accurately read the computer’s connectivity in that location and timeframe.
  • Corporate, university, and military firewalls often cause issues while trying to take your exam. We strongly recommend taking your exam in a setting without an institutional firewall.
  • Review the identification requirements below

Showing Up: We ask that you log into your Pearson VUE account 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to start the check-in process and to allow for any troubleshooting. If you click on the “Begin Exam” button more than 15 minutes after your scheduled exam time, you will be considered a No Show and are unlikely to receive a refund.

Identification: Please be prepared to show one (1) valid form of unexpired, Government-issued personal ID. The Government-issued ID must have your signature and must have your photo. The name on the exam registration in the Pearson VUE system must match the name on the Government issued ID exactly. Please verify that your name listed on your confirmation email matches your identification. *If your identification is not considered valid, you will not be permitted to complete your exam and are unlikely to receive a refund.*

Examples of acceptable identification:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s license
  • Military ID (including spouse and dependent)
  • Identification card (national or local)
  • Registration card (such as green card, permanent resident, visa)

Please note that we are unable to accept the following ID’s for an online proctored exam:

  • Renewal forms with expired ID’s
  • Government-issued name change documents with Government ID

Personal Belongings: FSOT exams are closed-book exams. No personal items should be in the testing room. This includes all bags, purses, wallets, reference materials of any kind (books, notes or papers, etc.), electronic devices except for your cell phone (no tablets, PDAs, watches, calculators, etc.), writing instruments, food, beverages, etc.

Please note that you are required to have a clean and clutter free workstation. During check in, the Proctor will ask you to perform a room and desk scan using your phone or webcam and will inspect any materials near your workstation.

Logging into your Pearson VUE account:

  • Login to your Pearson VUE Account
  • Click on the Schedule/Reschedule my FSOT
  • Click “Begin Exam” and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the check-in process
  • Important: the “Begin Exam” button will show up 30 minutes before your exam appointment and will remain available until 15 minutes after your exam appointment. If the “Begin Exam” button is not visible, you are either too early or too late for your exam. Please check your appointment details to make sure you’re trying to start at the proper time.
  • During the check-in process, you will be asked for your phone number so Pearson VUE staff can communicate with you while you are checking in for your exam. You will be asked to take a photo on your phone of yourself, your ID, and 4 photos of your room. The check-in process takes approximately 15 minutes for candidates who have previously completed a system test. After you have completed the check-in process, you will be asked to place your phone out of reach, but close enough to be heard.
  • Once you have completed the check-in process you will be contacted by a Proctor to begin your exam at your appointment time. You may not be contacted by the Proctor before your appointment time to start the exam.

You understand and agree that Pearson VUE may use facial comparison technology for the purpose of verifying your identity during the testing process. It will compare your facial image to the one on your identification and to facial images captured during the testing process and help us further develop, upgrade, and improve this application. If you do not agree to the use of facial comparison technology during your testing session, do not accept this term. You will not be able to complete your registration online. Instead, please call the Pearson VUE call center to complete your registration.

Reporting Unusual Circumstances: Significant and unusual circumstances that occur during the testing process should be reported immediately to the Pearson VUE exam proctor so an incident report can be filed. If you are unable to communicate with the proctor you are required to notify Person VUE ASAP. 

Reschedule Policy

Rescheduling an exam appointment can be done in your Pearson VUE account 24/7 or by calling Pearson VUE at (888) 572-2276 Mon-Fri, 7-7 Central. You can reschedule your OnVue exam right up to the scheduled appointment time at no cost. If you do not reschedule your appointment before the scheduled appointment time and do not take the exam, it will be considered a No Show and you will forfeit your entire exam fee.

Cancellation Policy

Canceling an exam appointment can be done in your Pearson VUE account 24/7 or by calling Pearson VUE at (888) 572-2276 Mon-Fri, 7-7 Central. You can cancel your OnVue exam right up to the scheduled appointment time at no cost. If you do not cancel your appointment before the scheduled appointment time and do not take the exam, it will be considered a No Show and you will forfeit your entire exam fee.

No Shows: Failure to appear for an exam forfeits the entire exam fee, unless documentation of extenuating circumstances is provided within 10 days, such as: death in the family, serious illness, or military duty. In such circumstances, the candidate should email the State Department at as soon as possible, providing documentation and a full description of the situation.

Exam Canceled by Pearson VUE: In the event of an unforeseen circumstance occurring on the day of a scheduled exam, candidates will be given as much advance notice as possible and will not be penalized if Pearson VUE cancels their exam appointment.

For more information on OnVUE: please visit

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the U.S. Department of State requires that each candidate be:

  • A U.S. citizen on the date the candidate submits the registration package
  • At least 20 years old and no older than 59 years of age on the day the candidate submits the registration
  • At least 21 years old and not yet 60 on the day the candidate is appointed as a Foreign Service Officer
  • Open to acceptance of assignments based on the needs of the service

Registering for the FSOT

Candidates complete both registration steps - submitting an application and selecting a seat - during the same five-week period immediately prior to a specific testing window. Applications are valid only for that test and will expire when that testing window closes. The registration period closes three days prior to the opening of the testing window.

If you have a documented need for an accommodation, you must request and receive approval for your accommodation before scheduling your test.

Once an application for a test window is submitted it cannot be changed, and candidates may test only once in a 12-month period. Find answers to General FSOT FAQs.

Upcoming Foreign Service Officer Testing Windows

This chart contains relevant dates for upcoming Foreign Service Officer Test. As a reminder you will be able to register – apply and select a seat – for approximately five weeks before each testing window (dates subject to change).

June 2025

Testing Window Dates

May 31 – June 7, 2025

Registration Opens

April 15, 2025

Registration Closes

May 29, 2025

October 2025

Testing Window Dates

October 4 - October 11, 2025

Registration Opens

August 19, 2025

Registration Closes

October 2, 2025

February 2026

Testing Window Dates

January 31 – February 7, 2026

Registration Opens

December 15, 2025

Registration Closes

January 29, 2026

*The FSOT is offered at both domestic and overseas locations.

As a part of the registration process, all candidates will be asked to complete their Personal Narratives (PNs). Candidates will be asked to address the following six areas: Leadership Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Communication Skills, Management Skills, Intellectual Skills, and Substantive Knowledge. Each of the six PNs will consist of no more than 1,300 characters. Beginning with the June 2022 FSOT, all candidates who complete the FSOT will proceed to the qualifications and evaluation panel for review.

Pearson VUE On Base Test Centers (OBTC) to Offer the FSOT

The Foreign Service Officer Test is offered at approximately 130 OBTC locations on U.S. military installations in U.S states and territories, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The OBTCs will add additional appointment options during each testing window for those candidates with access to the included military bases.

Learn more about on base testing at Pearson VUE »

Use of Overseas Pearson VUE Testing sites

The Board of Examiners has expanded the number of Pearson VUE testing sites for the FSOT both domestically and overseas. Embassies/Consulates located in other cities may continue to offer the test as their resources permit. Candidates testing in locations outside the U.S. must use their U.S. passports for identification verification.

Please select on find a testing center to find the closest site available.

Plagiarism & AI Policy

  • The Department of State prohibits candidates from plagiarizing any portion of their employment application materials to include responses to questions in which candidates must provide a narrative response.  Candidates must create their own responses originally and not copy or adapt them from other sources. The Department analyzes candidate submissions for plagiarism and will discontinue any individual’s candidacy if found to have violated this plagiarism policy. 
  • While the Department of State encourages candidates to create their narratives with great care, including correct use of grammar and style, candidates are prohibited from using any artificial intelligence (AI) tool, to include but not limited to ChatGPT, to aid in their written responses.  The Department will discontinue any individual’s candidacy if found to have violated this prohibition on use of AI tools in the application process.


Find more information on a rewarding career in the Foreign Service. If you have specific questions about the Foreign Service Officer Test you may send them to


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: HR/REE, SA-1, H-518. 2401 E Street NW, Washington, DC, 20522.

OMB Approval Number: 1405-0008 Expiration Date: 3/31/2021


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to 301(b) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended (22 U.S.C. § 3941(b)).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to determine eligibility to take the Foreign Service Officer Test, to register for the Foreign Service Officer Test, to assess qualifications for selection as a Foreign Service Officer, and to ensure the integrity of the examination process.

ROUTINE USES: The information solicited on this form may be made available to prepare statistical reports and analyses at the Department of State. Such reports and analyses, which are prepared in such a way that they are not individually identifiable, may be shared outside the Department. This information may also be shared with other federal agencies in response to request for information about hiring or retention of an employee or to Members of Congress in response to an inquiry on behalf of the applicant. More information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-31, Human Resource Records.

DISCLOSURE: Providing this information is voluntary. Failure to provide the information requested on this form may result in the user’s inability to submit appropriate responses to the FSOT questionnaire and/or the FSOT and oral exam.

Contact us

Office hours

Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CT; closed on local holidays.

Telephone numbers

  • 866-389-8339 (toll-free)
  • +1-201-366-9530 (toll)

Last updated 2025-02-03